AIM: ADult Bible Fellowship

What is AIM?

AIM is one of the classes within the Adult Ministry at The Shepherd's Church in Cary, NC. The intent of AIM, like all Bible Fellowships at The Shepherd's Church, is that individuals would...

  • CONNECT to the Body of Christ through relationships, fellowship and social interaction

  • GROW in faith through the teaching, discussion and application of God’s Word

  • BELONG in a loving community based on encouragement, care, support and prayer

OUR Mission

At AIM, we are captivated by Jesus’ command to make disciples. Knowing that life touches life, we strive to personally encourage and equip each other to become disciple-makers, starting with our homes and then branching out into our different spheres of influence. Our close-knit community of believers enjoys the opportunity to connect through interactive teaching, regular fellowship events, small group studies and one-on-one relationships. We are all committed to challenging and encouraging each other to take that next spiritual step.

When & Where

AIM meets every Sunday at 9:30am in the Family Center (FC209) on the campus of The Shepherd's Church.


Our class uses a mixture of email, text, and chat apps (i.e. GroupMe) to connect. All official communication is sent using our class email lists so please join the appropriate list on our communications page.